Trucking Business
Voluntary Administration
- A family trucking business with five companies within the group. The business had significant turnover and a large workforce
- The business had numerous interstate runs with some vehicles owned outright and some leased
- Both the husband and wife were company directors
- Business had become increasingly run-down with no significant capital expenditure for some time
- The Business was operating without written contracts
- The Business had arrears of statutory liabilities of more than $2,000,000. The debts had accrued over a number of years
- The Business had been insolvent for more than 12 months. It had repeatedly failed to follow the advice of its accountant
- The Business entered into various repayment plans with the ATO, the terms of which were not met
- Both Directors were served with Section 222AOE Director Penalty Notices (DPN) from the ATO which, in effect, made them personally liable for unremitted PAYG deductions, if the Business failed to pay (or commit to pay) the debt or appoint an Administrator / Liquidator within 14 days of the receipt of the DPN
- The directors did not follow the advice of their accountant and seek professional insolvency advice before the expiration of the 14 day period
- Due to crippling cash flow problems, the directors finally appointed Voluntary Administrators 17days after the service of a DPN totaling $1,000,000
- The fleet was ultimately sold via various auctions and private sales in conjunction with the family members
- The creditors of the companies received a dividend from the vehicle sales
- The directors achieved closure on the family business
- If the directors had followed the advice of their accountant, a Voluntary Administrator would have been appointed within the 14 day period, thereby avoiding any personal liability
- The matter also serves as a reminder on the importance of updating directors’ addresses on the ASIC register, the address to which a DPN is sent
- Failure to keep the details up to date may result in the director becoming personally liable without knowing it