Stellar Homes
Voluntary Administration
Several significant factors lead to the appointment of Voluntary Administrators:
- Demand in the building market rapidly declined from the expiration of the Government Building Grant in December 2013
- Significant construction delays due to weather in early 2014
- Under-quoting in an attempt to secure client contracts
- Serious illness of key personal
- Secured creditor agreement too restricting to allow for further funds to be borrowed
- The Company became cash-starved
- Facilitated sale of the majority of ongoing, preliminary and future contracts
- Sale included all intellectual property and a majority of the Company’s assets
- Extension of convening period to allow the Director additional time to formulate an elaborate Deed of Company Arrangement
- A majority of home owners transferred to a renowned builder following the sale of the business which:
- allowed for their homes to be finalised
- Permitted home owners with the opportunity to make adjustments to their plans without penalty
- Provided home owners access to a higher quality builder
- Former employees and subcontracts were selected and offered continued work with the purchaser
- The Company ultimately fell into liquidation thus:
- allowing employees immediate access to the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Scheme
- providing the Liquidators with further opportunities to recover funds for unsecured creditors than would be permitted in a Deed of Company Arrangement scenario